8 Things You Should Do When You Think Everything Is Going Wrong In Your Life

Your life is in shambles.

You are not getting any promotions at your job, you just went through a painful breakup, you failed in an exam that you were counting on to excel in. In short – you feel like nothing is really going right anywhere in your life.

You feel like quitting, you feel like just running away. But that’s not at all a solution.

Here is what you can actually do during such a phase in your life.

1. Take control and stop listening to that tiny negative voice inside your head

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That tiny voice in your head will tell you bad things. It will keep telling you that you fucked up big time and there is no way out.

You have to shut this voice and start realizing that you still are in control.


2. Do not try and escape the problems. Face them and deal with them, however daunting they may seem

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And they will seem too overwhelming to deal with. Humans are fit with the “fight or flight” instinct and it doesn’t really look good on you if you choose to just run away.

You learn nothing by it.


3. Or blame people or the circumstances

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Yes, people are assholes. Yes, the deck was set aginst you.

But you cannot really change everyone around you – especially when the tide is against you. The one thing you can deal with and change for the better is YOU.


3. It is not really as bad as it sounds once you talk about it to someone

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When you play the incidents inside your head, your brain amplifies the fear and makes the situation worse than it actually is.

You need a fresh third-person perspective. Talk to your close friends and without any filters. That’s when you will realize that it is not as bad as it sounds.


4. Look for inspiration – from your friends, in books, in movies, in role models – anywhere actually

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You need some inspiration to get into a positive mindset again. Read positive books, talk to positive people, watch positive movies and documentaries.

They will show you how adversity can be overcome with nothing but just sheer will.


4. It is time for some deep introspection and meditation

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After you are done with talking with friends and garnering support and taking inspiration, it is time to sort things inside your head.

You have to meditate to ascertain the reasons why things got where they did, and what did you do to cause them.


5. Also, whatever you are going to do immediately is not going to solve your problems

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When you have everything that is wrong in your life, it takes time to take back control. Whatever you do positively is not going to show results in just over a day or two.

Some people take years to recuperate from a bad loss. Some months, and some never do – because they give up.

Get this straight in your head – it is going to be a marathon.


6. Find hobbies you like doing, it will make you feel better about yourself.

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Hobbies have no pressure. You can partake in one without feeling the need to perform and that is why hobbies are so calming. And because you do something that is not bound by results, you feel fulfilled after doing it.


7. And take back control of one small thing at a time

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Start with the smaller things, and make them right. Go jog every day for a half hour, and get your health in control. start from the bottom and move up to the really bad problems.


8. It is, after all, a learning opportunity

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Shit happens. You get over it and start building your life again. It happens to everyone. You are not really special, you know.

However bad the situation might be, in the end, the experience makes you richer and wiser. It is the path to that place that is difficult. But all paths do come to an end.

It is what Alfred said to Bruce –

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

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