10 Expectation Vs Reality Of A Bachelor Party

Every person’s dream before tying the knot is to have the perfect bachelors’ party – the last relic of their single life. The party, the trip to Vegas, the exotic dancers and the whole nine yards. And then reality slaps us right in the face and we realize that even if we’re not able to create the 4th installment of the Hangover series, we can have our share of fun being unmarried one last time:

1. Expectation: “Let’s go to Vegas”

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Reality: “We’ll go to Vegas sometime in our lives, but for now let’s go to Goa”

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2. Expectation: “Let’s hire a limo”

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Reality: “We have two cars among us, so we’ll adjust na”

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3. Expectation: “Strippers man, we have to get strippers”

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Reality: “No yaar, my uncle is coming with us, so no girls allowed”

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4. Expectation: “We’ll drink like fish and drown ourselves in alcohol”

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Reality: “I’ve had 4 beers already, I can’t do more at this age”

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5. Expectation: At 1 in the morning: “The party has just started”

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Reality: “It’s 1 already? Let’s sleep after half an hour”

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6. Expectation: “Let’s get her a weird cake”

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Reality: “Bhai did anybody remember to order cake?”

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7. Expectation: “It’s going to be a grand party, everybody’s invited”

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Reality: “Not that many people, I have to fix to a budget”

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8. Expectation: Bachelor party without fiance/fiancee being suspicious

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Reality: “But babu, I swear I’m just drinking with friends”

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9. Expectation: Your single friends will get along and hit it off

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Reality: Your single friends will remain single

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10. Expectation: Hoping that everybody will join you, in your pre-wedding celebration

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Reality: Everybody’s busy drinking, while you get happy that you’re tying the knot

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And well if you do get drunk, then at least you will think you had fun.  😉

But in the end, there is no regret coz Vegas ho ya Varanasi, friends always make up for it.

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