A Eulogy To Those Dreams That Died An Untimely Death…

Let me ask you something first. Remember the time when you were 15 and decided to become a musician because you had both the talent and the passion? So where exactly are you now? Cooped up in one of those thousands of cubicles in an MNC or blaring your drums?

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Like most of the twenty-somethings in India, chances are you are suffering from a quarter life crisis. Your job doesn’t satisfy you, in one way or another. You are either not in a relationship and extremely frustrated about it. Or in one that has become kind of saturated and you don’t where it’s going, or worse if it should go at all!

And just like the needle of the compass always finds the North, you start blaming everything that is wrong in your life on your career choice. You start to hate the job you are doing, often unsure whether you are even fit for the job. Or maybe you feel you are overworked, yet underappreciated.

And beginning from there, you end up cursing your very career choice. If, like the rest of 90% Indian children, your destiny was fixed by your parents (career wise at least), then you can start the blame game openly. But if, you belong to those few 10 % who actually had some say in what they wanted to do in the future, you end up waging a war with yourself.

Let me tell you something – I get it, and believe me, it’s okay. It’s okay to be frustrated and have broken dreams. It’s okay if things didn’t quite turn out as you wanted them to. It’s okay if you hate yourself a little too. No, I am in no way trying to be a spiritual healer here.

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But remember, it is you, only you, who possesses the power to either alter your destiny or succumb into the black abyss you’re apparently facing. And trust me on this, you just need to let go.

Let go of those shards of broken dreams you’re still carrying. Let go of those things you yearned for and hoped to achieve some day. Because it’s okay to do so. Life is a constant flow yes, but it doesn’t follow a set path, and definitely not the one you set for it.

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And as Murakami said, “There are just too many things we have to think about every day, too many new things we have to learn.” So yes, perhaps you never got to take those salsa lessons you wanted so much since you were a teenager. But hey, you can totally go on a backpacking trip across North East India, have you thought about that?

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