In a land where the struggle to secure a day off is as challenging as dodging potholes during monsoon season, a young professional named Prachi shared her hilarious tactic on X (formerly Twitter) to get a half-day leave approved!
At 25, most would think that they are beyond using the classic ‘mom-card’ to get out of work. Yet, considering the pressures of Indian corporate culture, many could be driven to pull out the ultimate master card, because it works.
Prachi took to X to share a screenshot of her heartfelt plea to her manager where she politely requested a half-day leave on a Saturday for a family event. The messages dripped with “please”.
“Hello ma’am, Good Afternoon! I wanted to request a half day this Saturday. I understand a leave may be difficult given the project day, but kindly please grant me a half day, as I have to go with my family for a personal event. Please grant me the same,” her message read.
Her boss’s response was equally desperate for different reasons.
“Please please don’t take,” they wrote.
At this point, it sounds like a Sabrina Carpenter song.
Prachi replied with a trump card known to all Indian employees – “Please na ma’am. I really need to, my mom will kill me.”
Have a look at her post here:
imagine being 25 and still pulling the mom said no card.
— praachiii (@crankyranterr) July 31, 2024
While a lot of people found this laughable, others couldn’t help but shake their heads at the hopelessness of asking for leave with a Jenga tower of “please” on a Saturday. Such is the state of our work culture, it seems.
If ma’am can play 🥹 card
We employees can play mom nahi manegi card 💅— NehaMS&IK (@Neha63085468439) August 1, 2024
For the gen z population: never work for a company where you need to cry for leaves.
— कवि: आलोक “अज्ञात” नौटियाल (@alokntyl) August 2, 2024
Imagine the toxic work culture where an employee has to beg for half day that too on a Saturday
— Unknown (@Victimisedd) August 1, 2024
That is why I don’t request leaves, i simply inform my unavailability to my direct manager 🗿
— tushar (@whytushar) July 31, 2024
How fast the convo changed from professional to “bhai nahi hai” kinda..😂👏
— ADIiiiiii (@UjjawalAdit) August 1, 2024
Saturday ko off na Dena is a bigger crime than mom card
— tushar (@notsoluckytime) August 1, 2024
Despite having a multitude of leave benefits on paper, why is asking for leave such a guilt trip for Indian employees?