Elon Musk Deletes Tesla And SpaceX’s Facebook Pages After People Challenged Him On Twitter

Okay, this is huge. Pretty HUGE, tbh.

You must have already followed the news of Facebook facing a shitstorm over the whole Cambridge Analytica controversy. If that wasn’t enough, a worldwide ‘revolution’ of #DeleteFacebook powered by Co-founder of WhatsApp might have sent Zuckerberg looking for shoulders to cry on.

Today, things have taken an interesting turn, again.

Elon Musk replied to Brain Acton’s tweet sarcastically inquiring ‘What is Facebook?’ 😀

Good people on Twitter started to explain

To which Elon’s reaction was pure gold

And the amusing banter went on..

Elon quipped

Now here’s the moment it turns interesting. Someone (let’s assume someone who loves to see the world burn) quickly reminded Elon of something important

To which Elon responded

He further claims that he has never seen his own company’s Facebook pages even once

Just to put things into perspective

Wait, we’re not there yet

Someone pointed out that if SpaceX is getting deleted, why not Tesla too. And Elon took a shade at Facebook with this comment 😛

At this moment even I went to check Tesla and SpaceX’s Facebook pages and they were intact.

But Elon wasn’t actually kidding around. He actually deleted both the pages! OMG, that escaleted quickly.

SpaceX down

Tesla gone

And people still can’t believe what happened. Elon Musk actually deleted the ‘lame’ Facebook Pages of both his companies, SpaceX and Tesla after a tweetstorm.

Why stop at Facebook, someone asked. Even Instagram is owned by Facebook, delete that too.

To which Elon replied,

Phew! Dear social media team at Tesla, we feel you.

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