Elon Musk Asks Twitter To Send Him The Dankest Memes, Gets Hilariously Trolled

You’ve got to agree, lately, Elon Musk has been tripping balls over something.

Image Courtesy: Joe Rogen Experience, YouTube

No, I mean, we know his genius brains are always on a way, way higher plane than all of us.

But lately, the Tesla and SpaceX founder has been milking his newfound obsession with memes.

Ooohoo boy!

And now that he has boarded the meme train at long last, he seems to want to do a proper job of riding it.

And so, Elon Musk decided to ask the Internet to send forth their dankest memes to him.

No really, look.

This was open season on memes, clearly. Except, moth memes. Apparently, Elon isn’t into those.

Okay now for those who don’t know what dank memes are, here’s a lesson, courtesy Dictionary.com.

A dank meme refers to viral internet content that, due to overuse or passing trends, has lost its value or currency. It can also refer to exceptionally unique or odd memes.

And so it began, an onslaught of dank and not so dank memes on Elon Musk’s Twitter feed!

I’m not saying the memes that came in were not impressive, but we’ve all seen way better. Still, here are some of the funnier ones that we managed to find!


Just when we thought it was getting a little too predictable, Twitter finally pulled out the ace up its sleeve. They made Elon Musk their muse and roasted him majorly with memes!

Well played, Twitter. Well played.




That surely escalated quickly! Even Musk felt that sucker punch!

Finally, he had to admit that instead of dank, things were going a little dark!

Dear Elon Musk, a wise man Biswa once said, “Yeh kahan dark hai, yeh toh jindagi hai.” We hope you got it!

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