12 Movies With The Most Inspiring Costume Designs

What draws you in about a movie? It’s probably the awesome story line or a good looking actor or maybe the director’s past hits but the costumes keep you visually hooked. It’s something you take away from the movie but with no memory what so ever about the chaps who designed them.

But in some movies, the costumes are crucially important and those are the movies we need to watch to get a better idea of the science behind why clothes make a movie so much better.

1. Harry Potter Series

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Without the costumes, they’d just be a bunch of children running around with sticks and fooling no-one. Also, it gave some intense detailing to a few characters in the movie, like the clad in all black professor snape. Let’s not even start with the house colors, which say so much about the kind of people who would get sorted into them.


2. Narnia Series

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The Ice Queen. I mean look at the beauty with which they captured her character. Her costume made us feel a chill spreading down our spine.


3. Grease

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To remind you of a time with leather jackets were all the rage and you’d have to be cool enough to earn it. I doubt the same effect could be achieved with a hoody. It sends you back in time, to a time when Rock n Roll was the genre of the hour and puffy hair was a style statement. That’s what made Grease what it is.


4. Memoirs of a Geisha

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If you have to compete with the book, you have to step it up. And look at the result, the kimono’s to the makeup is on spot and it couldn’t be cooler.


5. The Great Gatsby

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The theme’s catching on like wildfire across parties and soirees, the costumes were reminiscent of the early 1920’s in America and the costumes do justice to the era.


6. The Hunger Games

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The flaming dress, which got Jennifer Lawrence the title of ‘The Girl On Fire’. Nothing to say of Effie’s wardrobe, it brought out her personality with so much ease and vibrancy. It’s honestly one of the best movies in the costume department.


7. Marie Antoinette

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How are they even wearing that without tripping on a thousand layers of clothing or even toppling over because of the gigantic wigs? Well, when she donned the attire, she looked nothing less of regal and that’s how I imagined Marie Antoinette to be, so it’s safe to say they nailed it.


8. Sex and the City 2

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Errrmmyyygoddddd!!! The dresses are to die for and it’s one hell of a wardrobe to own. But when you make a movie about women in New York, how can you leave out designer clothes and Jimmy Choo. When most of us see this movie, we remember Carrie’s dress while running away from her kiss with Aidan. That’s the power of excellent costumes.


9. The Matrix

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Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just like I did. Period. The way they used black to show class and make a statement really made the movie come alive.


10. Jodha Akhbar

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The movie might have gone on longer than a house fly’s lifespan, but the costumes were crazy brilliant. The jewelry to the delicate work in every outfit Aishwarya, Hrithik and even the supporting actors wore, were just flawless. This must have taken some serious curation and an eye for detail and the audience gulped it up.


11. Guzaarish

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This movie isn’t really remembered for its costumes because of the powerful message it conveyed. However Aishwarya Rai’s look was well inspired and it gives you feels each time you watch her move gracefully across the room, in one of her dresses. Her dresses for some reason made you a little more aware of her confident personality and boldness, especially the red rose that was really symbolic.


12. Fashion

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Since it was a movie about Fashion, the efforts in the wardrobe sector were much appreciated. Piggy chops and Kangana made everything come alive, so kudos to the designer.

Is there any other filmy wardrobe that inspired you?

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