Watch EIC Talk About The Double Standards Of Indian TV Censorship In This Epic Outrage

The censor board is spreading its tentacles everywhere like a giant hungry squid. After taking over theatres, and movies, the censorship has also been extended over Indian TV shows and channels.

For example, the word ‘sex’ is censored to ‘gender’ on TV. (Huh?)
The word ‘bitch’ is censored to become ‘woman’ on TV. (Dafuq?)

But while they cut and censor parts that they feel is offensive content, this epic outrage by East India Comedy talks about the hypocrisy and double standards of Indian TV and censor board in the best and most hilarious way.

I mean, why the *beep* do they show child marriage on TV, when *beep*, *beep* and *beep* are not allowed? What the *beep* is happening?

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