12 Unbelievable Addictions That People Have Around The World

You might be addicted to alcohol. Some might be addicted to social media, some might be addicted to cigarettes. Have you ever thought people could be addicted to things like balloons? Or toilet paper roll? I mean, weird and bizarre addictions like these have certainly redefined the meaning of these words. Honestly, I am a little qualmish after finding out about these people!

1. Twilight’s Victoria in real! This woman is addicted to blood..to the extent that she had a vampire-themed wedding and drank her husband’s blood!

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No. I am not joking. A woman named Julia Caples has a strong addiction for human blood and is almost vampire-like. She looks for donors who are willing to let her suck their blood! She sometimes drinks up to half-a-gallon of blood in a month. She claims that she feels healthier and full of life when she regularly drinks it. And she even had a vampire-themed wedding! Seems like her addiction rules her world!


2. Love drove Casie to an addiction that compels her to eat her husband’s ashes!

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Is that what we call the extent of love? Casie, a woman who loves to eat her dead husband’s ashes said that after her husband’s death, she would carry around his ashes everywhere. (Yes. EVERYWHERE.) Once, she had some on her fingers and she wiped it off and felt bad. So she licked it and now, she cannot stop!


3. Luis Squarisi, the man who quit his job to feed his addiction of attending funerals…his absence is felt when he misses one!

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We, normal human beings dread death. We mourn over the loss and we pray to God so that we can avoid it as much as possible. But a man named Luis Squarisi is addicted to funerals. He switches on his radio first thing in the morning to find out if anyone in his city died! And, he quit his job to feed his addiction! Does he get paid to attend them?


4. “When I see a beautiful balloon my heart starts to flutter and I get aroused”, says the man addicted to balloons!

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This is as weird as weird can get. A man gets aroused by balloons and he is so addicted to them that there are about 50,000 balloons in his house at anytime! And Julius says he has a ‘special connection’ with each one of them!


5. Addicted to eating glass and tube-lights? Josh has crossed the boundaries of weird!

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A man named Josh loves to eat glass and has eaten about 250 light bulbs and a 100 glasses over the last four years! He knows it’s dangerous but assures that he doesn’t do it alone. He usually does it in parties and in front of people. He thinks he is more addicted to the attention he receives. We have no doubt about it, Josh!


6. Bertha drinks nail polishes like vodka shots! Her addiction is sure to make you feel nauseated!

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Yes. A woman named Bertha loves to drink nail polish and can very easily drink up to 5 bottles in a day. And she also favours the colour blue or anything that has glitter in it. It’s like water to her. Only so much costly (girls would know)!


7. The woman who is addicted to her own pee. Whaaaaat?!

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We drink water. A woman named Carrie drinks her own urine! Goodness. Can anything be weirder? She brushes her teeth with it, washes her eyes with it, and drinks almost all of the urine that comes out of her body. Sorry, I have to go puke!


8. Michelle loves pig blood. Her love for blood is more than just love!

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Okay. This is gorier than the goriest of movies I have seen. Michelle, a tattoo artist loves drinking pig blood. She also claims that every human’s blood is different. Men’s blood is different from that of women. And she tries to avoid drinking from the neck because it is “too cliched”! Yeah, right!


9. Pagophagia…you  have it if you love chewing ice cubes. All. The. Time!

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This is the least bizarre of all. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, many people around the world have an addiction of chewing ice cubes. Pagophagia can be so strong that people have to constantly chew on the ice cubes, even if they are freezing!


10. Nathaniel addicted to his car! Even has sex with ‘him’!

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We know men love their cars. But this case of a man, Nathaniel, addicted to his car is bizarre. He is so much in love with it that he shares a sexual relationship with it. And he likes to think that the car is a man. Yes, you read that right! I have no words for this.


11. Jaye is addicted to snorting baby powder and simply cannot function without it!

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Jaye, a 28-year old woman is addicted to snorting baby powder. Her house is always under a thin layer of powder. According to her, it’s impossible for her to function without it. And she has been doing it since last 16 years! Wow. That must be…what? Annoying?


12. “I try and hold off going to the bathroom because I know if I go I will eat the paper.” Jade Sylvester, a woman who is addicted to toilet rolls!

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We eat food. Jade Sylvester, aged 25, said she loves to eat toilet paper roll. So much that she eat a roll a day (that certainly won’t keep the doctor away). She claims she started craving it when she was pregnant with her youngest son and could never stop after that!

I want normal people around me, God. None who drink blood or urine or who like to be sexually aroused by innocent balloons!

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