14 Dumb Space Conspiracy Theories People Believe In

If you love conspiracies, you must have come across a few space conspiracies that have caught your attention. That’s the thing about conspiracies, they are a juicy bit of food you love to eat, even though you know it’s not really food, but just junk.

Many conspiracies can be just dismissed as being unrealistic, some are almost real and you would think once before debunking them in your head, and then there are conspiracies that are so stupid, you wonder how people still believe them.

Yes, there are people out there who do believe in the following conspiracies, even though they are too dumb to be true.

1. The Pope and the President of USA meet the aliens every year

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The Pope recently said that he would baptize Martian aliens if they came to him. His point was that there is no one he would discriminate against when it comes to baptizing.

The people went crazy saying that he met with aliens every year and the Vatican has relations with the aliens – the same rumor was believed about the US president too.

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2. There is an alien base on the dark side of the moon

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Because we cannot see the dark side of the moon, and hence it is convenient for them to monger this rumor.  Many photoshopped images of the dark side have been circulated claiming that the patterns are alien bases.

Then they follow it up with a conspiracy that debunks this one.


3. Moon landing didn’t happen

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The fact that we can send rovers to Mars and have hi-res pictures of the dark side of the moon is evidence enough that we have technological capabilities that far exceed the realms of conspiracy thinkers.

This conspiracy remains to be one of the most convincing ones because the people who have made the conspiracy have put in a lot of effort and thought behind it. Although it is one of the most convincing, it is also one of the dumbest.

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4. Some aliens have sneaked into the space shuttles and are on our planet now

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A NASA employee claimed that an alien hitched a ride on the space shuttle and actually talked to the astronauts sitting in it.

While conversations are a good thing, you cannot just have them during a critical reentry procedure. But the reason was not seen by the theorists and they took the employee’s word as fact and it is still shoved into our faces as evidence every now and then.

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5. Moon is a giant alien spacecraft

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Let’s not even go there.

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6. A nuclear explosion wiped out the entire life on Mars

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That is assuming there were humans and they actually ended up with the same technology we have and made the same mistakes we can.

This doesn’t sound like a conspiracy at all – just a very dystopian fantasy.

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7. A lot of cosmonauts died before Russians had a successful space mission

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This much is true – a lot of cosmonauts did die during training and some were evicted from the Cosmonaut program for losing their minds.

And yes, the Russians did try to cover up their deaths – but that was only done to avoid bad publicity. Remember, that they were is a space war with the Americans.

But it is a stupid conspiracy saying that cosmonauts died and the Russians did not acknowledge their contributions.

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8. Adam and Eve were aliens and they traveled on a spacecraft that was actually Noah’s Ark

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And it was a space ark that carried two humans-  one Adam and the other Eve – and together they populated the whole planet.

To make it clear – it is highly unlikely that just two humans can populate the entire planet – proven by science.

Also, this debate was such a hit that even the popular science guy Bill Nye had a debate on it.

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9. The moon does not exist – it is just a hologram

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Some people are using cutting edge technology to just prove the theory that the Moon is just a hologram. That’s because they don’t just believe in the conspiracy, they know it is true.

Some people go the extra step and assume that even the sky is a hologram.

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10. The US invaded Iraq because they were looking for stargates

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FYI –  a stargate is a portal into another part of a galaxy. WMDs turned out to be false but a conspiracy that somehow the Americans invaded a whole country and killed thousands to find a fictional portal is too farfetched to be true.

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11. Dinosaurs left the earth on spacecraft and came back too

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Dinosaurs had millions of years to live here didn’t they? In comparison, humans have had just 10,000 years to evolve to the place we are today.

This piece of information makes conspiracy theorists think that even dinosaurs built spacecraft after they came to know that an asteroid was going to hit the planet.

The conspiracy doesn’t end just here. They claim that the dinosaurs came back and that is why we have so many tales of dragonlore and rumors of Loch Ness monsters.

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12. Space lizards govern every aspect of human life and take blood sacrifices

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Yes, and they are the reason you failed your exams or won the lottery. And no, they are in no way related to the lizard that lives in your garden.

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13. There are star children that are sent to the planet to help humanity

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Some conspiracy theorists like to believe that gifted “star children” are sent to the planet every now and then to help humanity from falling into the pits of destruction.

What defines star children? Gifted kids who have extraordinary abilities – in short – intelligence.

They just fantasized the shit out of why a kid scored too much on his IQ test.

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14. The Earth is flat

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Some people believe it to such an extent that they have photoshopped regular photos so that the Earth does look flat in them.

There came a time when popular rapper B.o.B also started spreading the rumors, and because he has such a great following on Twitter, some of his followers actually started believing in them.

Until the popular physicist Neil DeGrass Tyson had to come to the rescue and bust the conspiracy apart.

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People love good stories, and in today’s world of fact checking and the Internet, people still crave for that feeling of fantasy that something is out there that is extraordinary.

Little do they know that right now, space exploration is doing things that might make the extraordinary come true.

But, all of that in time.

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