Gujarat’s 1st Transwoman Doctor Freezes Her Semen To Mother The Child She Would Father

25-year-old Dr. Jasnoor Dayara is Gujarat’s first transwoman doctor. Born a male, she cryopreserved 4 vials of semen at an IVF hospital in Anand, ahead of her sex-change surgery. She hopes to become the mother who has fathered her baby.

“This is the first time that a transwoman has approached us for preserving semen samples for future plans of motherhood,” Dr. Nayana Patel said, at whose fertility center Dr. Dayara’s semen samples are being preserved.

As per a report in TOI, Dr. Dayara said. “Goddess Kali has given me the strength to become a woman. A woman can be a father, a mother, and a friend as the need arises,” Dr. Dayara said. “A uterus does not make a mother, a loving heart does.”

So when the time is right, Dr. Nayara can biologically father a child, which she will then raise as a mother. This would reportedly be medically possible using her sperm, a donor egg, and a surrogate mother. Dr. Dayara explained, “To become a mother, I will not be shy in seeking surrogacy options across the globe. It has taken a lot of courage for me to accept myself and make my family and society accept me. I want to write a new chapter for myself and for others like me by becoming a biological parent.”

As a doctor, she feels transpersons should be allowed to take the surrogacy route to parenthood. “As a country, we need to be compassionate to each human’s biological desires,” she said.

After earning an MBBS degree from a Russian university, she is currently preparing for the qualifying exam conducted by the Medical Council of India in order to practice in India as well. Her sex revision surgery is scheduled after the exam later this year. “I came in touch with my reality and dared to live like a woman. It was liberating,” she concluded. She has gradually won the support of her family as well.

Kudos to her for living life on her own terms and breaking the cage that suppressed her identity and emotions!

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