Internet Reacts To Donald Trump’s 9/11 Double Fist Bump With Some Rib-splitting Memes

Ever since Donald Trump began his campaign for being the President of USA, he has made headlines for saying and doing some of the most ridiculous things possible. And if anyone thought that he would become a bit professional after winning the election, Trump proved them…

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Trump has gone on to offend Pakistan, threaten the Iranian President and get schooled by an English teacher. And after all this you might think that he has learnt something about acting properly in public. But his latest appearance at a 9/11 memorial service shows that he’s in no mood to do so.

While attending a 9/11 memorial service in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump greeted his supporters with a double fist bump. Don’t believe me? Well, there’s photographic proof of it.

As soon as this photo was released online, Trump received immense backlash for his insensitivity. However, one Twitter user by the name of Rob Sheridan decided to teach the ginger-haired President a lesson by making him a meme.

Netizens didn’t waste a second and turned Donald Trump into the meme of the month.

1. Trump as a Xeno-baby!

2. Tasty is it?

3. This is too good!

4. #FitnessChallenge from Trump.

5. Too dark?

6. Dental hygiene is important.

7. No ice cream for Trump!

8. Trump Solo: A Star Wars Story.

9. Best friends always catch fish together.

10. Is this the new Quentin Tarantino movie?

11. Michael Scott wouldn’t let him in.

12. Big T with Queen B!

13. Trump the Time Traveler.

14. Beavis and…

Trump is practically impervious to any constructive criticism which is probably why he’s acting like he is on a sombre day like 9/11. But given his love for Twitter, maybe these memes will hit him where it hurts.

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