Someone Just Solved The Mystery Why Donald Duck Doesn’t Wear Pants

The world and its many mysteries often keep us up at night. What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Are heaven and hell real? Do aliens exist? Why the hell do these cartoon characters wear clothes on the top half and stay butt naked on the bottom? Like, why the hell is Donald Duck wearing a full set of clothes, but NO PANTS? WHY?

Image Courtesy: Disney

There have been several theories over the years, with philosophers and great minds debating over what the reason for this weird no-pants deal is.

But but but, looks like we finally have an answer!

Twitter user Rachel Jane Andelman has put her ‘More genius than thou’ brain to good use and given us a very plausible theory about why Donald Duck is pant-less most of the time!

Okay WHOAAAA! So wait, you’re telling me, that’s the reason for this?

Image Source

Explains a lot!

Twitter was totally on board with this new theory and had the craziest responses to the tweet!

It’s the closure we need and deserve!

1. Mind = blown!

2. Science, bitch! Answering all the important questions of the cosmos.

3. Ha!

4. Yeah, what’s with that?

5. This is one twisted duck!

There was an explanation for this, FYI. Most people think it is just to prevent any water from dripping on the floor! Okay then!

6. Yeah, you think?

7. Ummmm?

8. Y u do dis, Twitter? We’ve got jobs, you know.

9. Day = Made

10. RIP Stephen Hawking. You’ve left geniuses in your wake….

11. Accepted as Donald Duck canon! (ICYMI, ‘canon’ is a fandom term for something that is law.)

12. Practice what you posit?

Of course, curious minds were not satiated with just this one mystery being solved. If this was Donald Duck’s reason, what was other cartoons’ excuse?

1. Et tu, Pooh?

However, the theory gave birth to the most important question which, IMO, needs an answer, STAT!

What you smoking, bruh?

The general consensus is that this is one excellent theory that could be acceptable.

Don’t you just love science? Don’t you just love geeks and nerds who use science and logic to argue the most absurd fan theories about their favourite fictional shows/characters?

And above all, don’t you just love the amusing sight of Donald Duck’s pristine white derrière going left-right-left?

Yeah, just let him be! He doesn’t give a flying duck!

Cover Image Courtesy: Disney

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