People Are Fooling Their Dogs With A Disappearing Act In The Hilarious #WhatTheFluffChallenge

There are so many things to be sad and upset about in this world right now. But then, there’s also this beautiful thing called pet videos. Believe me, they’ve got healing powers. And the Internet’s newest ‘challenge’ obsession, the #WhatTheFluffChallenge involving a bunch of confused dogs, is going to heal this world with high does of laughter!

So what is the #WhatTheFluffChallenge, you ask? All you need is a towel, a doorway, your dog paying attention to you, and a camera to capture the whole thing. And then, you pull a disappearing act that leaves your doggo thinking, “What the fluff just happened?”

*Heckin bamboozled*

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OMG I’mma die of laughter! That little piece of floof was soooo baffled she bolted to look for her dad! Told you this was going to be epic!

Well, enthusiastic dog parents have extremely eagerly taken up this #WhatTheFluffChallenge, leaving a lot of doggos confused and all of the Internet ROFLMAO!

Brace yourselves for a truckload of failed illusions and hilarious cuteness, and of course, bamboozled doggos!

Where did he go?

What sorcery is this???????

This guy totally scared the poop out of his doggo!

This good boy was soooooooo confused, he became a confused boy frantically searching for his mommy!

This one was so smart, he knew exactly where to look!

Poor girl looked everywhere!

Doggo 1: WTF!
Doggo 2: Yeah, you’re not fooling me.

But not all the attempts were successful, mind you. But that doesn’t mean they weren’t hilarious!

#EpicFails are in fact funnier!

Like this one here, where the bamboozler became the bamboozlee! Wait, is that even correct? Who cares!

And the award for the most IDGAF doggo goes to….

But you know, the biggest hits are the unplanned ones! So here’s my personal favourite, where a completely different kind of creature got quite excited by the disappearing act!

As a very wise Twitter user said,

Same, Tiffany. SAME!

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