8 Severe Health Conditions That Might Be Controlled With Yoga

Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul. – Amit Ray

It is a fact that if you practice yoga regularly, there are very great chances that you won’t suffer any kind of diseases or disorders in your life. Yoga is not just asanas. It’s a way of connecting to your body and to the divine. It keeps the body functioning the way it is intended to and increases your metabolism. There are number of disorders that can be cured with yoga and for some that cannot be, cures can definitely be controlled in a very healthy way.

Today people have become too career oriented and the work pressure keeps them from taking care of their body. Hence, every alternate person today suffers from some or the other health irregularity which possess the capability of turning into a severe disorder. Here is a list of health problems that might be cured or controlled with yoga.

1. Asthma

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There is no permanent cure for asthma although the only sustainable cure lies in yoga. Inhalers or any other medical assistance can help you save your life at the time of attach but they do not in any sense improve the condition. Practicing pranayam and anulom-vulom results in a long term cure and improves the condition tremendously.

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2. Hypertension

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Living in 21st century, this is not a rare disorder. Considering the lifestyle and the amount of stress people take these days, without paying any attention to their eating habits can result in high blood pressure. It is a disease that can be cured only by regular practice of meditative yoga asanas like the pranayam.

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3. Indigestion

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Indigestion happens to just about everybody now and again. It may bring about stomach distress or an inclination of being too full. At the point when serious, it can cause heartburn, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Indigestion may be the after-effect of your dietary patterns, or it can be an chronic issue. However, you can cure indigestion without medicines by trying the child pose or wind relieving pose.

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4. Migraine

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Migraines are a kind of repeating extreme headaches that can make you to have time off work and need to rest in bed. They are frequently joined by feeling sick, vomiting or an increased sensitivity to light. Ladies are around three times more inclined to get migraines than men. Around four in every 20 ladies get migraines, while just around one in every 20 men do. You can get migraines interestingly at any age, yet they normally begin amid the teenage. Try the yoga poses like sirsasana or complete headstand to cure migraine headaches instead of popping pain killers.

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5. Arthritis

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According to several studies which have given out contradicting results, doctors still aren’t sure if yoga directly affects and improves arthritis. Although it is certain that yoga helps in decreasing the pain caused by arthritis. Surya Namskar is a very effective exercise that can help the arthritis patients in a lot of ways.

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6. Anxiety Disorders & Depression

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You may enter a yoga class, your body tensed and tight from weeks and even months of amassed anxiety. Our body holds feeling in it — and yoga can help unwind that. Only an hour of yoga can drive you to leave every one of your burdens and uneasiness behind, and this “yoga high” impact can keep going for quite a long time subsequently. If you would prefer not to be subject to antidepressants and sleeping pills, attempt yoga asanas like uttanasan.

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7. Poly Cystic Ovaries

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Polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) is a typical condition that influences the way your ovaries work. If you have PCOS, your ovaries may have numerous little cysts or follicles (little, liquid filled bumps) on them. Your ovaries might likewise be bigger than common. The indications are sporadic periods and it can even prompt infertility. So attempt yoga stances like the corpse posture or shavasan to cure ovarian sores without medicine or surgery.

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8. Sleep Disorders

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This brings us to yoga and rest: like most work out, yoga can enhance your sleeping patterns and battle insomnia. Anxiety and the “buzz” of outside nerves — and yes, an inactive way of life — can keep us lying conscious around the night. Figuring out how to inhale all the more gradually and profoundly in yoga classes can ultimately enhance our sleep. A study found that yoga treated chronic insomnia in patients.

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Yoga is 99% practical and one percent theory. So what are you waiting for?
Happy International Yoga Day 🙂

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