Find Out What Your Desk Reveals About Your Personality. Mine Was Perfect!

It is scientifically proven that your surroundings affect your mood. And a surrounding can seem good or bad depending upon the kind of person you are and the state of mind you are in. While a sale at Zara can make a shopping freak go gaga, the same sale can give nightmares to someone who hates shopping. The quality of work you do can be affected by how your surroundings are.

A personalized workstation can increase your productivity. APA’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published that a lot can be said about a person just by looking at his/her workspace. Psychology Today supports their claim and suggests different types of workspaces for introverts and extroverts.

Based on an infographic shared by a UK based agency illustrated, here’s how we can some up versatile choices of workspaces and renowned names from the history who had similar choices:

1. Neat as angel’s wings

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Your desk has to be perfect, just like your work. You have all the equipment that you need, nothing more, nothing less. You have backup inventory for your stationary. The table is minimalist in nature, just like you. You avoid distractions and like your stuff organized to save time. And you know who do you resemble in this habit? Madam Marie Curie!


2. Desk that represents Monica Geller

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You know you have a slight touch of OCD, and you don’t mind it. Your desk has separate sections depending upon urgency, relevance, and priority. All blue pens are together, and black ones are a group. If someone ever came and shuffled your categories, you would feel like you lost one eye or something. You know which famous name from the past was like you? Thomas Edison.


3. Wired

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Your workstation looks like a spaceship is going to launch from it. Your laptop has wires coming out from all sides and you know exactly what is the role of each wire. It can be your portable charger or your mini speakers. It can even be your hard drive. But you know one thing, you NEED all those things to function. And you know who else had this weird quirk? The famous physicist Nikola Tesla.


4. Flora and fauna

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Nature inspires you to work better. And since you can’t function from a forest, you have made your own little jungle at work. There are plants around your work space, it always smells fresh and you have a view to gaze when you can take a break. You know who was just like you and did something great? The novelist Virginia Wolf.


5. Home + Office = Homice

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You like being in your familiar space, therefore you have created a home office which enables you to work well while being around people and things you like. You can grab a snack when you like or play with your pet for a while. The freedom of being your own boss and controlling your productivity gives you a kick like none other. The other person who got the same kick was the man behind the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin.


6. Crazy clutter

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You might try to be organized, but it always falls down to being a clutter. And honestly, you like your clutter, you know where everything is kept and how to find it. It might be messy for people but is perfect for you. Everything is accessible and everything is personal. Another fan of such creative clutter was the genius scientist, Albert Einstein!


7. Recreational workplace

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The adrenaline rush is important for you to work well. Therefore to ensure that you don’t get bored and have enough games around, your workspace is quite like a game room. A ping-pong table, a joystick, maybe portable golf as well? For an ideal work place that is driven by insane energy, these are a must according to you. You are not the only one who thinks like that, by the way, the other such person was the notable author Mark Twain.

Did I miss any? Is your workspace as unique as a three-horned bull? Then click a picture and do share. 🙂

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