Deadpool 2 Deleted Scene Shows Wade Travelling Back In Time To Kill Baby Hitler

deadpool baby hitler

Before you proceed, it is my moral obligation to tell you that there are going to be some maaaajor spoilers ahead. But again, if you haven’t watched the movie yet, can you even complain anymore? (Hint: Nope)

It’s been 2 months since the much awaited Deadpool 2 dropped into the big screens and it was every bit worth the wait. Ryan Reynolds held nothing back as the ‘Merc with a mouth’ pretty much went on a self-roasting spree for 2 hours. It’s hard to know where Ryan ends and Wade Wilson begins, especially since the post-credits scene took a deep dive into Ryan’s life.

I mean, can you blame him? Before squeezing into that red suit, he’s made some quite questionable choices career wise. Remember this green abomination?!

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Anyhow, in case you don’t remember, allow me to jog your memory. During the post-credits scene which no self-respecting Marvel/Fox fan would miss, Wade goes back in time to right some wrongs using Cable’s time travelling contraption. A couple of his trips into the past included getting rid of his previous appearance in the X-men universe opposite Wolverine and literally finishing off Ryan Reynolds the actor before he left a big green blotch on his record by starring in that sorry excuse of a “superhero” movie.

However, it turns out, Deadpool extended his trip into the past to wipe out one more guy who left a rather big mark on history, Hitler. Baby Hitler, to be exact.

GIF source

Unfortunately for us, the scene did not make the final cut, the reason being they wanted to leave the audience with a different message.

Speaking to Esquire, director David Leitch says:

“As much as I love this joke, we end on a really high note and that’s the way it should end.”

He kind of has a point there, tbh.

Fortunately, the deleted scene is now up for eyeball grabs on the Internet and it shows exactly how Deadpool grapples with the idea of killing a baby.

Image courtesy: Fox Studios

He’s such a softie!

Well, what are you waiting for? Watch:

Hold up! If you thought that’s it, let me give you a sneak into a snippet of what could have happened after that.

Wade finally gives into the baby cuteness spell and decides not to kill the Baby dictator. He instead ends up changing his diaper for him, promising to send Cable to finish off the killing business.

Image courtesy: Fox Studios

Watch the first 18 seconds of this video:

Damn, he’s such a sweetheart!

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