4 Deadliest Snakes In India And How To Survive Their Venomous Bite

Every year in India, people lose their lives to snakebites. Not many people know that these deaths can be prevented. Out of all the species of snakes, 4 of them are the deadliest.

Here are the 4 deadliest snakes and an informative guide on how to survive them

1. Cobra

Studying their nature, it was found out that cobras are shy of humans and their first instinct after seeing us is to run away.


2. Saw-scaled Viper

Known to attack with lightning speed, they curl up like a jalebi when frightened. Found in open and dry areas, the best way to avoid them is approaching the area with a stick.


3. Krait

Its venom is the most venomous of all snakes and the least painful of all bites. They are nocturnal in nature.


4. Russell’s Viper

It’s known by long size, long fangs, and toxic venom. Their camouflaging habit often leads to people’s deaths.

So, these were the deadliest snakes and with little precautions like these, you can create a line between life and death.

Stay safe, people!

Watch the video uploaded by Madras Crocodile Bank Trust.

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