15 Signs That Prove You Daydream A Lot

People say that it’s important to dream if you want to make it big. Well, by that logic, day dreamers like you and me would’ve probably been sipping margaritas over some serious conversation with Bill Gates. But, as you know, we’re not, because maybe we drift off a little too often.

If you find yourself wondering where you are on the road after 20 minutes of constant walking, you’re a day dreamer. And you’d relate to the following.

1. You zone out during movies, making you press ‘rewind’ button and start the movie again.


2. It becomes difficult for you to concentrate on lectures after a while

When teachers call out your name, you never hear it.


3. You sometimes zone out even during examinations

…and while studying. Goes without saying.


4. You’re often caught staring at people, even though you weren’t

You were just daydreaming. Oh, the embarrassment.


5. It’s difficult for people to have your attention for too long

Hence, they can’t have long conversations with you without you saying, “huh?” after your short zone out.


6. You always have a lot of things going on in your mind

Sometimes to such an extent, that you have to write some of them down to not forget.


7. Sometimes you come across as rude because you miss out on people greeting you on the streets


8. Your mind wanders off while you’re cooking and you forget whether you put salt in the food or not


9. You can easily pass time just by staring at a wall

Or into space. It’s oddly comforting.


10.  Sometimes, you miss your turn on the road because you were day-dreaming



11. You often forget something, walk back into the room and then wonder why you came in


12.  You forget to press the elevator button for your floor and end up in some other floor

Even then you don’t realize until you knock on a stranger’s door.


13. While talking over the phone, you zone out in the middle and then say something completely irrelevant

Gets pretty awkward sometimes.


14. On the upside, you are a pro at pretending to listen when random relatives blabber on and on

Because you have mastered the art of nodding your head in agreement while being in dreamland.


15. And finally, people think you’re a wonderful listener

And all you can do is smile and take the compliment.

So, while other people are busy trying to manage their time, you can drift off to dream land whenever you wish. You know that it’s definitely more fun there. 🙂

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