13 Ways Your Life Gets Easier When You Date A Geek

Geeks make for great boyfriends. Yeah, you probably don’t hear that too often. I mean in India, geeks aren’t like the ones you see in Sydney White movies, they are way different. But, that’s what makes them so awesome!

If you’ve been giving some serious thought to dating a geek in your classroom or one who’s been messaging you on Facebook from cyber gaming cafes, but the only thing holding you back is ‘What will my friends say?’, then you should know why it’s the best thing that might happen to your love life.

1. No more mind games

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You’ve been with enough guys to know that it’s a task to be on top of the dating game. It’s all mind games and ‘I know i’m hot and I can get anyone’. Well guess what, all that stops now. When you start dating a geek, the first thing you will notice is that he isn’t self centred, he doesn’t keep a count of how many people check him out and he hates mind games. So no more metaphorical relationship tennis ball is going to be tossed from court to court.

2. Your tech savviness will improve ten fold

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You maybe a storm trooper when it comes to technology but he’s Yoda. No need to do anything manually anymore because he’s going to name apps that you never thought existed in your wildest dreams to do the most trivial jobs.

3. Say bye-bye to every other News source.

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Because now you have your own offline source of information who will not only have the answer to what’s the scene with latest events like JNU, but can give you a whole back history of every political or social media reference made to it.

4. You will have a new appreciation for sci-fi

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When you switch over to Star Wars on rainy night over the countless chick flicks in your harddrive, then you know it’s true geeky love.

5. Get ready to welcome new Fandoms into your life

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You will soon start to comment on Howard’s research, Sheldon’s theories and Leonard’s work. You’ll finally understand the Big Bang Theory sarcasm and puns. It’s a whole other world you haven’t seen, welcome to Fandom.

6. No more being taken for granted

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Do you remember all the times you were taken for granted in your past relationships. When you sat wondering if you’re even good enough for him? Well dating a geek will kick that self doubt right out of the park. If they can do one thing right, it’s showing you how important and special you are to them. Maybe your geek won’t even believe that he was able to land such a hottie.

7. You will talk about stuff that really matters

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No more gossip about what your friend’s friend did or talking mushy all the time, your geeky boyfriend will give you a reality check and anchor the relationship in the real world. He’ll want to know your opinion on politics, on evolution and even on the books you read.

8. He’s your new Mr Fix-it

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If there is any hardware lying around that needs to be put together, trust his curiosity and need for information to read the manual just once and have it all set up by the time you’re done with tea.

9. You can stop rummaging through your closet for perfect clothes each time you go out.

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He’ll love you just as much in a your pyjamas and a tattered t-shirt.

10. And a few months into the relationship your wardrobe might get a geeky makeover

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You might start to dress for comfort, with a surprising increase in the number of loose t-shirts with witty quotes and some serious referencing. Geek is the new chique.

11. The best part is he won’t make you self conscious if you binge on junk and put on a few stress pounds.

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Whatever you want, it’s your body and he respects that.

12. Waaay easier to buy gifts for!

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You don’t need to rack your brains for good gifts to buy your boyfriend on his birthday. You’ll know exactly the gadget he wants, with the model number and colour specifications, because trust me, he won’t stop talking about it, from the day it releases in the market.

13. No need to guess what they are thinking, they’ll tell you anyway.

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‘What’s he thinking? Does he see this going somewhere serious?’ Yeah, you don’t need to play the guessing game. Just ask him, though that’s not what you’re used to, 9 times out of 10 you’ll get a straightforward answer. (The 1 is incase he’s geeking it out with his friends, reaching a new level in some super complicated video game or designing an app for something)

Boys, it’s time to embrace your inner geek.

And girls it’s time to stop embracing bad-asses and start embracing geeks. 

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