These Dark Illustrations Show The Sad Truth Of Our Modern Lives

dark illustrations

Modern life, as amazing as it seems, has a dark side too. We mostly overlook that side because the reality is too painful for us to handle, but that only aggravates the issues. Capitalism, politics, social media – we have made progress in all areas of life. And yet, we’re not happy for the most part of it.

Italian artist based out of Mexico, Marco Melgrati, creates dark illustrations depicting the ‘other’ side of modern life.

He mostly makes them on commission for various magazines, but some of them are also his own personal thoughts. They reflect the brutal reality of our present lives and here are some of the best ones.

1. That’s what he means everytime he talks.

2. We always pretend to be stronger than we are.

3. Sexual Harassment explained in the best way possible.

4. Medical treatment has become all about money-making.

5. Not just India, bribery is everywhere.

6. With the beauty standards laid out by the society, most of us have body dysmorphic disorders.

7. Objectifying women in every step of life.

8. Ironically, we resort to social media to seek ‘real connections’.

9. Talking about being ‘out in the open’.

10. Money can buy happiness today. Or so we think.

11. No matter what, putting up a smiling face is mandatory.

12. We’re all just Pinnochios here, lying to each other and to ourselves.

13. Confessions are made on Facebook, not in Church.

14. Dancing to the tunes of the rich and powerful.

15. Losing sight of reality while being engrossed in our phones.

16. All those who put up pictures with ‘Selfie game strong af’ captions.

17. Stop to smell the roses, friend. Seize the moment.


I wish could deny or contradict one of his illustrations. But sadly, these beautiful drawings depict the harsh reality of the world we live in. Maybe one day we’ll all wake up and this will all just be a dream, yea?

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