Viral Video Shows Daring Rescue Of A Little Girl From A Giant Panda Enclosure

Pandas are fascinating creatures, KungFu or otherwise. So you can’t really blame this little 8-year-old who wanted a closer look at them when she visited the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

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However, things took a formidable turn when she toppled into their enclosure in China on Saturday. What ensued was a daring rescue captured on camera as the three panda bears started to close in on her.

The clip depicts the tiny tot huddled in the dry moat of the panda enclosure. Two of the pandas then start to make their way over to her while the security guard tries to pull her up. However, his first few attempts at saving the girl using a pole, don’t succeed.

Take a look at the video-

But soon, a third panda corners the girl, just as scores of onlookers watch with bated breath. That’s when the guard abandons the pole and puts himself at risk, reaching down. He manages to grab the petrified girl’s hand only to pull her to safety.

Witnesses of the incident are all praise for Liu Guihua, the guard who helped the girl to safety as are netizens since the video went viral on social media. Meanwhile, the little girl is safe with her folks, who have taken her to a hospital for a thorough examination.

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China Daily even reports that the disturbing incident caused the research facility in Sichuan province to share this warning-

Pandas are not as meek and docile as they appear, and even their keepers maintain a safe distance once the pandas turn 2-years-old.

Perhaps next time, it would be best to gaze upon their glory from afar. Who knows maybe they are into KungFu!

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