Woman Poisoned Her Child And Then Burned Him Alive Just To Make Her Husband ‘Feel Sorry’

Bringing a child into the world should be a privilege. Especially after determining if the would-be parents are mentally fit enough to rear a child responsibly.

Because children should never suffer if two parents are fighting against each other. Many children do suffer during divorces but they should never be used as a pawn in the fight between a husband and a wife.

Shafeirad murdered her five-year-old son, Daniel, because she wanted to get back at her husband. She poisoned him by making him drink a full bottle of cough syrup at one go.

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A child cannot drink a full bottle of cough syrup so the mother forced him in a violent way, leading to cuts and bruises all around the child’s mouth. Naturally, the boy died of overdose.


The mother wanted to cover up this cold-blooded murder and that’s why she put the body in the car, drove to the gas station, put petrol all inside the car and lit it on fire. She was in the car to make the story convincing.

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Shafeirad suffered 40% burns over her body and spent one month at the hospital. When the cops finally arrived to question her, she said that she kept a spare bottle of petrol in case her car ran out of gas. She claimed that she lit a cigarette and that is what caused the fire.


She was later arrested and after investigation police found that Daniel Dan suffered from blurry vision, confusion, vomiting and possible seizures before his gruesome death. Prosecutors highlighted how calm she looked during the court proceedings.

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She was emotionless and her husband Hamid Dana gave the real reason she killed off Daniel.

“I will make you cry. You will be sorry.”

Shafeirad had said this to her husband according to the documents prosecutors compiled during the whole course of the investigation.


The Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Nelson Rupp was horrified by her behavior and sentenced her to 50 years of imprisonment.

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“A mother murdering her child is a crime so horrific that it is natural to try to determine why.”

He further went on to say that the reason might have been something only she knew. He also noticed how she remained emotionless during the proceedings. This was in contrast to the father who broke down and cried as the horrible incidents were recalled.

Hamid and Shafeirad went through a bitter divorce proceeding. They were given joint custody where Daniel would stay with the father on some days and with his mother on some.

It was during the stay with his father that Daniel had said to him “Daddy, I’m strong. You be strong.”

Shafeirad is not a mother but a cold-blooded murderer. Because no mother can poison their own child and then burn them alive just because they are divorced.

News Source – The Washington Post

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