Are You Bored? Type “I’m Feeling Curious” On Google For Some Fun.

Suppose you are sitting at the office and you are super bored. You have nothing to do apart from checking notifications on Facebook.

What should you do?

Try telling Google, “I’m feeling curious” or “fun facts”, and voila – you will come across some information that can help you to win friends and defeat enemies.

You’ll find a new dynamic box with a random question, ‘What color is hippo milk’  and with an answer like this,


Here is another picture of what I got when I searched for fun facts:

The more curious people can keep on hitting ‘Ask another question’ and Google will keep on generating endless random stuff.

Although this is a brand new Google feature, it’s just good old Google being good old Google.

Now, I know what color is Hippo’s milk!

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