12 Cruel Things People Said While Breaking Up That’ll Make You REALLY Want To Break Things!

Cruel Break Up

You remember Cruella de Vil, don’t you? The very, very mean antagonist who wanted to strip fur off cute puppies. She’s said to be an epitome of cruelty. Duh! Her name has both cruel and devil! But that’s not the point. Ever imagined someone being as cruel or more cruel than her? No, right? But there are people worse than her in this wide world of ours.

Someone on Reddit asked people, “what’s the cruellest thing someone said to you as one of you was being dumped?” Naturally, Redditors came flooding with responses. So here they are, cruellest things people said while breaking up.

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1. That must’ve hurt bad.

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“Your brother is better in bed.

She’d been cheating on me. Yes, with him.”


2. And, I thought was short.

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When my ex, found somebody else, she went with the line “He has a better job and he’s taller” ouch!! I don’t know what his job was but I’m 6’2″ so I’m only half offended, I’m happy at this height.



3. Broken promises result in broken bones, sounds like a good idea to me.

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“‘I don’t know why you actually thought we were going to get married. I’m only 26.’
Uh, motherfucker, because you fucking proposed to me.”


4. That guy was an A-hole!

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“He started telling me the details of his cheating.
Originally he told me it was a drunken mistake and he was completely blacked out. After I dumped him he told me the truth.
He said it wasn’t one night, it was two. They fucked 13 times, and the first time he called her by my name. He said she was better than me in every way.
That had me really fucked up for a while, which was his intention.”


5. After everything? Really?

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“‘I love you’.
Said after the actual dumping. Neither of us had said it yet to each other. It made me more angry than all the things we’d been fighting about combined.”


6. Such a coward!

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“That he never knew my dealing with breast and then cervical cancer could be such an inconvenience for him, and that he couldn’t stay with someone who was likely ‘going to die soon anyways’.
cancer free for 8 years now, and happily married with a beautiful step daughter.”


7. Sadly, such people exist.

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“‘This isn’t going to work out. You have baggage now.’ His response when I called him from the hospital after my father passed away.”


8. This sucks on so many levels, mahn.

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“‘I’m really sorry, but I only had to date you for a week.’
She lost a bet on a football game. That shit fucked up my self-esteem for the rest of my time in school.”


9. Can such people disappear, magically?

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“‘Hey you wanna see a magic trick?’
does crazy things with his hands
‘Poof you’re single.'”


10. Passionless in a week? Wow!

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“‘You’re not my passion; You don’t make me melt.’
Said about a week after she told me I make her melt.”


11. Errm… Safe not to comment on this.

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“Being with you made me realize that I’m a lesbian.”


12. You got played, bad!

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“Knock knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Single who?”
“Single you.”

You know what sucks more than a break-up? Breaking up while handing out vials of poisonous words that are cruel.

Source: Reddit

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