10 Habits That Make You Think You’re Crazy, But According To Science You’re Just Fine

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Am I crazy?’ I know I have. A little too many times. But recently, I realized crazy and inappropriate social behaviour are two different things and most of us suffer from the latter.

I’m not saying all kinds of weird behaviour is normal, but most of them have perfectly reasonable explanations, in fact some of them even make you smarter. Here’s a list of behaviours that you may think is crazy but every one of them has a scientific reasoning behind it that and it actually makes sense.

1. Talking to yourself

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Yeah, we’re all guilty of that one, don’t even bother denying it. You’ve spoken to your laptop when it stops working, you’ve asked yourself where you kept your glasses and you’ve even given a whole motivational lecture to yourself. But we don’t refrain from calling someone who does the very same thing ‘crazy’. Well then call me crazy.. but wait, I’m not alone, Albert Einstein did it too.

Well, as it turns out, talking to yourself has various benefits.
According to one study conducted by Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupya, talking to yourself helps you sharpen your memory. So when you’re saying your notes out loud, you’re actually learning a whole lot more. They weren’t the only ones. Another study by Psychologist Linda Sapadin proves that talking to yourself helps organize your thoughts better and makes your goals seem easier to achieve.

Note to self: Talk to self about goals everyday!

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2. Laughing in the face of a tragedy.

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Yup, I feel ya. If you are one of those people who laughs or smiles amid a grieving process and finds it worrying, since everyone around you is crying or depressed. Well, you’re not crazy, infact you’re more likely to deal with your pain better. You may have heard of this in F.R.I.E.N.D.S, where chandler says his sarcasm is a defense mechanism. Similarly people deal with grief very differently.

According to Dacher Keltner, laughter releases the stress of negative feelings and allows the person to take time out from the grieving process. It’s a way of dissociating yourself from the grief. Another study by Bonanno showed that, those who exhibited genuine smiles and laughs predicted less grief over time and evoked positive emotions in others.

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3. Crying for no concrete reason

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Sometimes you can’t help but break down, a bad break up, a horrible day at work or even a fight with your mom. But what about all those times you just cry, no barriers, no reasons, just tears? Well, you aren’t going completely bonkers. It happens to the best of us and the reason is Anxiety.

A study rightly encapsulates our feeling, ‘Most people see anxiety as just stress or fear. But anxiety is an emotional disturbance that can have an incredible effect on your ability to control your emotions.’ Well this is as true as it gets. In such a situation it states that you should just let your tears run their course, because holding it in is going to make it worse.

So the next time this happens, keep a box of Kleenex around, it’s going to get messy.

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4. Screaming loudly in public.

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Do you feel like you’ve had enough, like it’s brimming all the way to the top and you can’t keep it inside anymore and then you suddenly hear a loud scream, that you later realize is coming from inside you? No, this doesn’t certify you as a lunatic either, it’s okay, even if you’re convinced otherwise.

And we have scientific proof to back that up. A report, by Thorpe Park, claimed a “good old-fashioned scream” could cut stress levels by up to one-quarter. So in turn you’re doing yourself a favour and not holding anything in. Which means after a good, loud scream, you’ll be way more relaxed than your coworkers.

Way to go, I think I’m going to adopt this too.

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5. Humming randomly

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Yup, you know who I’m talking about. Those people who hum when you’re talking to them, probably giving important instructions on how to survive a plane crash, but no, to them humming ‘Kajrare’ is way more important. So you term them as crazy and go on with your life because who cares right?

But really these guys are way more on top of their health game than you. A new study shows humming can improve ventilation in the sinuses, which might reduce your risk of developing sinusitis. Which means they’re battling one of the most painfully common conditions more actively than you are.

And that makes them pretty darn smart.

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6. Laughing at your own jokes

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Some people believe that laughing at your own joke is a sign of a narcissistic personality or is completely crazy, but it really isn’t any of that.

There is a simple explanation according to a popular answer on Stack Exchange, ‘I believe that emotions are contagious, and I believe that people know this on an intuitive level. Thus, they’re trying to make themselves seem funny by laughing at something that wasn’t, by hopefully convincing you/the group that it’s funny as well as spread the emotion. ‘
Which to be honest is as close as it comes to the truth.

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7. Eating your own hair

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We’ve heard of all the stories, eating paper, eating chalk and eating dust. Guaranteed that when we heard these stories, the protagonist was usually a toddler. But some of us grown-ups still eat weird stuff, like our own hair.

But if you’re one of them, you aren’t crazy, infact you’re a freaking Beauty expert! According to Dr Kim North from the University of Plightville, USA, you can beat hair loss by eating your own hair! He claims that, human hair has the ability to regrow even after it detaches from the scalp, and this can by done by eating your own hair.

Yup so all of you hair chewers are pretty much ahead on the hair game already.

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8. Lying for no reason

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Okay so even if it did fall in the category of crazy, it doesn’t anymore because of the sheer volume of people who lie. You’d be surprised because I sure was.

According to a study conducted by University of Massachusetts, 60% adults can’t have a 10 minute conversation without lying at least once. And those who did lie, told an average of three lies in this short period of time. Apparently, people lied about things that weren’t important, little things that we think will make us look better or more likeable.

So after all there is a reason for everything, including white lies.

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9. Being really dramatic when it’s uncalled for.

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We know the people who literally enact Ekta Kapoor serials in real life, with hair flips and everything. They gasp at something mundane and oh and aah at something ordinary. Well, if you are one of them, you have a kickass explanation for it.

A study by Rebecca Todd revealed that, being dramatic is in your genes. Yeah! ‘For people with this gene variation, the emotionally relevant things in the world stand out much more’, said Rebecca.

Well, now we know what all that is really about.

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10. You stalk your ex more often than your current boyfriend.

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So a lot of guys might think this is lunatic land but honestly it’s too common now. Whether you choose to admit it or not, you have gone to you ex’s Facebook page and seen what he’s been upto. Many other’s have even ventured into his new flame’s Facebook profile and compared themselves to her.

Well, one such research proves that our estimations are about right. About 88% women between 18-35 have stalked their ex’s online, while 80% have stalked their new partner’s profiles. So it’s not crazy but let’s not say it’s healthy either.

And to soothe your worries, counsellors have claimed that these obsessions finally end once you are completely over your ex.

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Well, if this is crazy, it’s probably going to be replaced as the new ‘cool’. 

What’s your kind of crazy?

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