Couple Decides To Play ‘Ping-Pong’ Game In A Moving Metro Leaving The Internet Divided

One fine evening, an NYC Metro Car was hogged by a ‘hipster’ couple who decided it to be fun to play Ping-Pong in the Metro.

Now, New Yorkers are known for their unpredictable actions. But when a video of this was shared on the Internet, well, it’s safe to say that not everyone was pleased.

Author Mary Karr, posted a 10-sec video-clip of a couple playing Table Tennis in their athletic dress-up, inside an already tight-spaced Metro car.

The video didn’t take long to go viral, and a barrage of retweets and reactions followed. While the author posted the video in admiration of the spirit of the New York city, most replies didn’t follow the same admiration.

The reaction (or the lack of it) of the fellow passengers was also a point of notice, as almost nobody seemed to be bothered by the couple setting the ping-pong table right in front of the doors of the car.

The couple were seen as being ‘obnoxious’ and ‘hipsters’. While many thought it was an annoyance, others admired the strong feat that is to play in a speeding metro.

Someone even went on to summon up the twitter account @artdecider, to ‘decide’ whether this game-play is ‘Art or not Art’. Result? Art.

While there are some who are questioning the physics behind the game.

Needless to say, the video being viral, received a massive set of mixed reactions over the couple opting to play Ping Pong in a Metro. But the biggest question that’s left unanswered is… Who won?

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