This Mother Dresses Up Her Baby In Costumes While She’s Asleep And They’re Adorably Cute!

Babies are adorable little tykes. Everything is new to them, everything is an experience, everything is play. cosplay sleepy baby

Laura Izumikawa took this opportunity and hit upon a goldmine, with her 4-month-old daughter Joey Marie. When she’s asleep, Laura dresses her up into elaborate costumes, and the result is an adorable cosplay series, most of which baby Joey is unaware of.

Check out these ultra cute cosplays below.

1. Slash from Guns N’ Roses.


2. Number Eleven from Stranger Things.


3. Super Saiyan Goku from Dragon Ball Z.


4. A wizard.


5. An Olympic swimmer.


6. Beyoncé.


7. Skrillex.


8. A bunny.


9. A Hawaiian.


10. A lumberjack.


11. A sushi chef.


12. Garth Algar from Wayne’s World.


13. Cinderella.


14. Misty from Pokémon.


15. Maria from The Sound of Music.


16. Ariel from The Little Mermaid.


17. A Viking.


18. Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road.


19. Pikachu. cosplay sleepy baby


20. Han Solo.


21. The Statue of Liberty.


22. Apple’s employee of the month.


23. A ninja.


24. Tarzan.


25. Jon Snow.


26. A mermaid.


27. A milkmaid.


28. Finding Dory.


29. Karate Kid.


30. Sia.

Baby Joey is going to have a hell of a time going through these photos when she’s well equipped with all these fandoms!

H/t: Bored Panda

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