People Discuss How A Lover Seeking Consent Is Incredibly Attractive

There’s no two ways about the fact that consent is important before getting intimate with a partner. There is even a consent condom that unpacks when both partners open it simultaneously. Recently, a Reddit user also narrated how when her partner sought explicit permission before getting physical, it turned her on because he was respectful of her boundaries and comfort level.

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Take a look.

I (33f) have been dating him (33) at a slow pace for the past couple of months. There have been some big gaps (2+weeks) between us seeing each other because of either of us going out of town, so things have moved a little slowly. We have made out plenty of times, but he never touched, or even tried to touch my butt or boobs.
The first time a makeout session got a little heated a few weeks ago, he asked if he could take off my shirt. I said “sure” in an ‘eh, whatever’ kind of way, and he followed with “sure?” to get explicit permission. This time, I said “yes”. He started tugging at my bra and asked “is this okay?” “Yes”. (That’s as far as it went that night)

He has been so incredibly respectful of my body and boundaries, making me feel zero pressure to move faster than I’m ready to.

A week ago, I decided I’m ready to sleep with him, and last night, we did. As things progressed from making out, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen, but even still, he asked me “can I take off your dress?” And then asked if he could take off my underwear, and finally, before anything started, he asked “are you okay with this?”

Men, I can’t tell you how much this meant to me!! I have so much respect for him and am that much more attracted to him because he made it clear that he respects my boundaries and comfort level. Just wanted to offer this experience as a tip for how to help a new lady feel respected and safe with you when it comes to taking things to the next level.

People discussed how making sure their partners were on the same page was incredibly sexy and meant that they didn’t read their body language incorrectly.

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However, some folks mentioned that asking every step of the way could be a little much and ruin the mood. So, a few people suggested adopting a ‘middle ground’ approach.

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Do you seek consent using a direct question or do you use humour and non-verbal cues?

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