20 Comics About Sad Realities Of Life So Apt That We’re Imagining Ourselves In Each One


Life is sad, with bouts of happiness and sprinkles of joy, here and there. But overall, we all know that we kind of find it really sad. And, the realities of life incite are misery in us.

Artist Viakavish paints a real-life picture of our sadness in these comics which are so apt that we can’t help but picture ourselves in each one. Don’t believe us? Have a dekko!

1. Is there time? ?


2. That’s just me, each night.


3. Bout of envy that takes over us.


4. Friend: How are you? Me:


5. Can anything be more apt?


6. Yep! But it’s borderline stalking.


7. The usual selfie moment.


8. When responsibility knocks on the door!


9. The mask we all wear. #HappyFace


10. My heart will go on….


11. R.I.P Motivation!


12. My life in four shots.


13. It indeed is.


14. Sssh! Work in progress.


15. Each morning, while leaving for work.


16. As per laziness’ request.


17. 3 am hunger pangs.


18. For me, it is a packet of biscuit.


19. Sickness, why you do this?


20. Spoke my heart out. *gets a dog*

Aren’t they relatable AF?

H/T: Bored Panda

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