3 Coimbatore Guys Distribute Leftover Food To Feed The Hungry. How Awesome Is That?

We set up committees to talk about the adverse effects of global warming and pollution, but at times we forget that there is a far bigger problem, that of hunger. To live in ‘extreme poverty’ implies you wake up hungry and sleep hungry.

I know it’s a pretty complex problem to solve. But these 3 young boys from Coimbatore proved that complex problems often have simple solutions.

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Just 22 years old, Padmanaban and his two friends Sudhakar and Dinesh collects food, repackages them, and distributes to the hungry people.

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Collecting all those excess food from weddings and parties, he gives it to the ashrams, slums, and on the streets.


Recently, this very well-deserved visionary received the 2015 Pollination Project Visionary Award and his initiative, ‘No Food Waste’ was recognized as the best initiative among many others nominated from across the world.

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As the winner of the Visionary Award, The ‘Robin Hood of Excess Food’ has earned $1000 and development assistance from a stable of non-profit professionals.


His small team of friends and volunteers has distributed more than 5000 meals and now plans to conduct awareness campaign all over the world to help reduce food waste.

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“One day a gaunt elderly lady, emaciated to the bones in a torn saree, approached me for alms, just as I left a wedding reception hall where food was carelessly discarded on used plates simply because the guests could not finish. I couldn’t stand by and watch anymore. I had to do something about it,” says Padmanabhan.

Surely, their motto must be ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’.

Source: The Pollination Project

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