10 Ways To Make A Great First Impression During Your Fresher’s Night

Your entry to college marks how all your 3 years are going to play out. The friends you make during those initial days are going to stick around not only for your college term but for the rest of your life. So you need to meet the right kind of people, for which you need to set the right kind of impression. And the best place to do that is? Your fresher’s party!

Not only is it your induction to your college life, but also to a whole realm of possibilities. So, here’s how you can make a great first impression in a few short hours!

1. Wear something that makes you feel good.

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Rubbish all those fashion magazines and wear what you want. Something that makes you feel good, something that makes you feel comfortable. If an ‘A-line’ skirt is in fashion but doesn’t suit your body type, don’t force it for the sake of keeping up with trends. Because what you wear, will affect your confidence game.


2. Don’t be afraid to dance.

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Let out your inner ballerina! Even if you have two left feet, it’s your energy that matters. So take things into your stride and dance like no-one’s watching. Slowly everyone will join in, you’ve just got to strut your stuff.


3. Bring out your bindaas side with no apprehension.

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Be yourself. Leave the meek, shy version of you in the closet and bring out the real you. Whether it’s your sarcasm, your wit, your beauty, your rebellion, let it all shine. Because this my friend, is the day of no judgement.


4. Master ‘the small talk’ routine.

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You need to be absolutely on point with your small talk routine. It’s the easiest way to make people feel comfortable. But don’t make it the usual boring questionnaire about their past, instead talk about current events, entertainment, video games, sports or anything that catches their attention.


5. Always smile, it makes you look approachable.

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Your smile is your best accessory. So flaunt it, because it’s not only pleasant but welcoming. And that’s a quality you’re going to need during your fresher’s night. Stranger or friend, flash it to everyone!


6. Go light on the makeup.

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Don’t make things too loud with heavy make-up. Keep it simple, I’d say just a stick of kajal and a strip of eyeliner. Don’t bring out all the curlers and straighteners. Keeping it simple is better than going overboard. You don’t want to give the wrong impression.


7. Don’t be with a group at all times.

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If you’re constantly surrounded by your school mates, attending the same college, you won’t get a chance to expand your circle. So at the party, spread out and mingle. Be your own wingman that night and collect a dozen new friends!


8. Keep an open mind.

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You may have grown up with certain values and principles, but college is more diverse. You have people from all kinds of families. So don’t divide them into black and white boxes, remember there is always a grey area.


9. Treat yourself to a good skin routine the previous night.

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To be confident, you need to look your best. So cleanse, exfoliate, wax, everything that needs to be done, should be dealt with the previous night. Put on a soothing face pack, or even go and pamper yourself at the spa!


10. Keep your skin oil free with Clean & Clear Foaming Facewash

For the main day, you need a trusted friend to keep your skin oil free in the face of dirt, dust and pollution. Your skin needs a saviour, not only on your fresher’s night but throughout your journey at college. And now is the time to make this introduction: Clean and Clear Foaming Face Wash. After the hours you spend getting there, and the oily skin that’s an after effect of all the travel, this little magician will set everything straight. Clean and Clear Foaming Face wash will clear up all that unwanted oiliness from your skin and keep it that way through the evening!!

So, be yourself and leave your worries at the door, everything will turn out perfectly well!

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This story is brought to you in association with Clean & Clear

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