This Remarkable Version Of ‘Chura Liya’ Must Be Making RD Smile In Heaven. Don’t Miss It!

The thing about old classics is that we’re really apprehensive of people remaking them. In most cases, music directors make a mess out of our glorious songs and we can’t help but take it personally. R.D Burman is the ultimate legend of Bollywood music and there’s hardly anybody who will ever come close to him. His music has been remade in various ways on several occasions and in most cases, the result has been disappointing.

However, we stumbled upon this brilliant version of Chura Liya from the 70s blockbuster, Yaadon Ki Baraat and I, a staunch R.D Burman fan, have no option but to appreciate every bit of it. Check out this amazing rendition of the song by jonitamusic –  an approach that has probably never been made on this cult number.

This music video was one of the high points of the day!

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