18 Men Accused Of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl Beaten Up By Lawyers At Chennai Court


No matter which publication you follow, every day these days, you are bound to come across the news of at least one new rape case. And yesterday was no different. Multiple rape cases were reported from across India. Among them, one stood out. For the sheer horror inflicted by the knowledge that an 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped by at least 18 men for a duration of over 7 months.

Yes, AT LEAST 18 men. For more than 7 months. Let that sink in.

The horror story came out when the hearing-impaired girl from Chennai, confided her ordeal to her older sister.

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As per Times Of India, the 18 that police have arrested include security guards, elevator operators and plumbers who worked at the apartment complex where the girl lived. The perpetrators would sedate the girl with sedatives and other drugs before sexually assaulting her. They also videographed themselves in the act and would threaten the girl to stay quiet in return to not leaking the tapes. A 66-year-old lift operator was the one who first took advantage of the girl and later invited other men.

The details of this case are enough to make anyone’s blood boil and yesterday, lawyers at the court the men were taken to, could not maintain decorum.

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Videos have surfaced on the internet that shows the accused men being thrashed in court by lawyers.

According to New Indian Express, a police source said:

“As few suspects were being brought down the steps inside the court complex, a group of advocates surrounded them and trashed the men and some of the suspects even fell off the stairs and were kicked at.”


The lawyers have also refused to represent any of the accused in court.

Netizens are split in their reactions to the viral videos. While many are lauding the advocates for “giving the men what they deserve,” others bring up the point that the lawyers have taken law into their own hands. Given that mob lynching is another rising threat in the country, the actions by the lawyers are indeed irresponsible and unruly. Violence is not the answer. What we need is a bulletproof judicial system that serves justice.

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