15 Heart-Rending Quotes By Charles Dickens That Will Leave An Imprint On Your Mind

Charles Dickens is a beloved British writer. His works have brought us to tears and given us hope that after a dark time, the sunshine is bound to enter our lives. At a very young age of 12 years, Dickens was forced to leave school to support his family and he felt abandoned. But he carved his own way through life and gave us some absolutely wonderful classics, some of which were also inspired by incidents from his own life.

Oliver Twist was his first ever novel and he rose to prominence due to it. Here are some wise quotes from his books.

1. No matter what, always have love within you


2. Aren’t we all attracted by humour?


3. Take out time to have a quality time with your loved ones


4. As they say, never judge a book by it’s cover


 5. Words to live by


6. Helping someone in times of need is above anything else


7. Because tears mean that we care, and it is always better than not giving a damn


8. This would touch the travel lovers’ hearts


9. I hope this too, especially in today’s world


10. If you look closely, all times are like this


11. Hope the evil stays away


12. Deep, but true


13. Always come out as a better version of yourself after all the hardships


14. Today’s generation needs to get this


15. So, grab every opportunity because regret is of no use

Because great writers always make you think about the more important things in life!

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Poster Courtesy: Sachin Kaushik

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