A To-Do List For 2016 To Change Your Life While There’s Still Time

2016 is upon us and January has already passed in like seven minutes. Every year we make resolutions, only to break them, because, hey, they’re meant to be broken, right?


Every end of the year, there should be only one resolution that people should set: Getting your life back in order. Every year we lament upon how twisted it is, and we don’t remember that half or more than half of it is our own doing. So cast aside the whines, and get a hold of yourself (it’s still February) before another year rushes before your eyes.

1. Start a hobby

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A musical instrument. Reading. Even watching better movies. Hobbies are not only limited to collecting stuff.


2. Quit a habit

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Seriously, stop smoking. If you drink every weekend, make it a monthly affair. Say nope to drugs.


3. Pursue something other than your career

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Take a break from studies/work. Explore a new genre of music. Eat a new dish. Learn a new language. Start cooking.


4. Take time off

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Detox. Go for a short trip. Be alone for a few days. Meet yourself.


5. Get your rhythm back

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Your circadian rhythm, to be specific. Sleep on time, and wake up early. Mould your life around those times.


6. Eat healthy

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Give the street food a backseat, demote fatty foods to once a week, and eat better home-cooked meals.


7. Make little changes in your space

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Add a poster to your boring wall. Change your phone’s wallpaper. Keep a potted plant on your desk. A Little sprucing up goes a long way.


8. Express more

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Laugh heartily. Cry if you must. Vent to those who matter, they’ll always be there to listen to you. Get in touch with your emotional side.


9. Connect more

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Talk. Meet. Don’t call and text. Go out for a walk with your friends. Invite them to your place or meet them at theirs.


10. Swear off electronics

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Conveniently forget about the smartphone and the computer screen. Save yourself from some radiation and that harmful blue light.


11. Get creative

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Write. Paint. Sing. Flex the power of the right brain, and let your inner feelings spring to life.


12. Be productive

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Don’t procrastinate. The feeling of getting your work done on/before time is liberating. Slacking is for weak people.

So, there you go, add a few tweaks of your own and take life by its horns.

Buckle up, soldier!

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