People On Twitter Are Comparing Their Cats To ‘Desi Mithai’

Cat owners would agree with what I’m about to say – cats make you feel powerless. One moment they act all adorable, purring and brushing their head against your cheek and the next minute you end up with scratches all over your arm because you tried to pet them. The only way cat owners feel they have some amount of control over their pet is when they make cat videos and memes. Because if you were to make fun of your cat right on their face, they’d know it. And may God help you sleep that night!

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So we make fun of them online and come with bizarre ideas to do so. Like this one woman who went on to post a thread on Twitter comparing cats with ‘mithai’, reports The Indian Express.

She puts two pictures side by side – one showing a particular type of cat and the other showing an Indian sweet of similar hues as the cat. As the thread went viral, other people started contributing to it and the result is gold! Have a look:

Isn’t this the best and the most useful cat thread ever? It’s time to name our cats after mithai!

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