Pet Owners Beware! This ‘Cat Parasite’ Can Affect Your Brains And Cause Mental Illnesses

Have you heard of the ‘cat parasite’? It goes by other names such as T.gondii or Toxo too. Recent medical studies have shown that this pathogen can alter human brains and behaviour.

Toxoplasma gondii breeds in cats. They can shed this parasite in the form of egg-like oocysts in their faeces. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, “Cats spread Toxoplasma in their faeces for 1-3 weeks following infection with the parasite”. From here, it can affect other species including humans.

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Why should we be worried?

Pregnant women and those with low immunity are at a higher risk of infection. In these situations, the parasite can cause the most harm. When normal healthy individuals come into contact with this parasite, they don’t exhibit any symptoms. A few may feel like they have the flu.

The Independent reports that “Toxoplasma parasite can affect people’s personality by slowing down their reaction times or making them more likely to take risks. Some studies have linked the cat parasite with psychotic disturbances in humans such as self-harm and suicide, and even serious psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia.”

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How can we get infected by this parasite?

How to prevent infection?

A few everyday precautions go a long way to keep the parasite at bay. No need to stop the kitty cuddles 🙂

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