Woman Claims She Went From 120 Kg To 60 Kg By Drinking Her Urine, Even Uses It To Rinse Eyes


Being a couch potato myself, I have great respect for people who focus on their health and fitness. It takes a lot of sacrifice and discipline to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Some do it to shed those extra pounds while others do it just to keep their body a safe happy space. And thanks to this ever-growing market, there are about a million different methods advertised to get that perfect healthy body.

While most of them make sense to the common man, some can make even the most open-minded person question their sanity. Especially with the plethora of quick-fix solutions offered, which are nothing more than a hoax.

So if someone says that they lost half their body weight by drinking their own urine, it can be a bit hard to digest. But that’s exactly what Leah Sampson says she did.

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Leah used to weigh almost 120 kilos and was even unable to brush her hair by herself. Deciding she needed to do something about it, she opted for a complete lifestyle change. And it included drinking her own pee.

According to The Sun, the 46-year-old from Alberta, Canada has successfully reduced her weight to an impressive 60 kilos with this method.

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She attributes her earlier weight to a “standard American diet of beef, pork and chicken”. This led to her suffering from chronic fatigue too. At one point her hands and arms became numb, making her unable to brush her teeth or comb her hair.

Leah discovered urine therapy in 2013 and there was no looking back. Urine therapy entails the application of human urine for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.

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Apart from just drinking the urine, the mother of two also has a few other uses for it. She says:

“I collect my urine in glass jars throughout the day and shower with it at night. Not only do I brush my teeth with it, I wash my hair and use it to rinse my eyes and clean my skin.”

She has a whole morning routine with urine that involves drinking half of it, gargling with it, washing her eyes with it and pouring some of it down her nose.

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You can watch her morning routine here:

As for how it all began, Leah narrates it as such:

I was losing so much function in my arms that I couldn’t wash my own hair. I cried out in tears to God; begged and prayed for answers, telling God that I would do whatever he wanted me to if he would only heal me.

A few moments after that prayer, my friend sent me a YouTube video link of the therapy.

I stood up in the bathtub, urinated into my hands, and drank it. I noted immediately that I ingested too much sodium and vowed to begin removing sodium from my diet immediately.”


She captures her urine midstream after 3 am every day and drink about half of it. The rest, she sips on throughout the day. Now, she’s a life coach and receives compliments on her new figure regularly.

However, there is no scientific evidence for what she’s doing. The Sun quotes Professor Henry Woo, from the University of Sydney as such:

“There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that urine therapy has any therapeutic value. Those who drink their own urine do nothing more than make a mockery of themselves.”

Well, to each her own, I suppose. Kudos to her for losing all that excess weight and getting a healthier body. However, I don’t think there’d ever come a day where I’d be willing to drink urine to lose weight. Would you?

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