In 70 Seconds, Cameron Diaz Will Convince You That Fame Doesn’t Bring Happiness

[cjtoolbox name=’Cameron Video’ ] [/cjtoolbox] I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that’s not the answer. ~ Jim Carrey

That’s right. Fame and fortune are often a goal that people have when they think of happiness, which is a misconstrued notion. Many people have this misconception that if you’re famous, then you’re obviously happy and successful.

In this video by Following, Cameron Diaz, the famous Hollywood star, explains that fame is not it. Instead, she’ll inspire you to think, “what is the one thing that you enjoy doing.” And that, my dear friend, is a path to happiness. Fame is just a part of it.

If you’re looking for fame to define you, you’ll never be happy!

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