Photography Obsessed Karnataka Man Builds Cam-Shaped House, Names Sons Canon, Nikon & Epson

People usually tend to surround themselves with things they are passionate about. Film-buffs like handing posters of their favourite movies on the wall, sports-enthusiasts have their collection of jerseys, bibliophiles might as well turn their entire house into a library – you get the drift.

However, a man living in Belgaum, Karnataka, named Ravi Hongal, is so passionate about photography and obsessed with cameras that he built himself a camera-shaped house, reports MSN. He also named his three sons after famous camera brands – Canon, Nikon, and Epson!

Have a look at his house here:

Image source

People on the internet are loving how creative this man is! Here’s what they said:

It’s amusing to see the different ways in which passionate people hold on to their dear interests!

What do you think of this camera-shaped house? Tell us!

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