Former Burglars Take To Reddit, Share Tips On How To Keep Your Home Safe From Thieves

News of thieves breaking into people’s houses and shops come to light every now then. But, as the year nears it’s end, it’s time to take those extra measures that will help in keeping your house safe from burglars when you leave your home to party with your friends and family.

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And what would be better than the advice coming straight from the horse’s mouth? Somebody asked former burglars to enlist things one should never do to keep their house safe from theft on Reddit, reports Mirror. So, burglars or not, Redditors came up to share tips learned from their own experiences and they sound as useful as they are amusing!

So we have picked some of the best and relatable ones for you, have a look:

1. Change your locks once you move into a new house. (Helps in keeping the former owners away, just in case)

2. Do not share your details with a door to door salesman before verifying.

3. Find some other place to hide your spare keys, no doormats, plant pot allowed!

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4. Do not forget your valuables in an unlocked car!

5.  Try keeping valuables in a large safe that is hard to carry for a couple of people.

6. Keep valuable things away from stranger’s vicinity.

7. Lock your shed so that burglars don’t have access to fancy tools that can help them break your windows and locks.

8. How about using an empty fire extinguisher as a makeshift safe?

9. Here’s the list of all the places where a burglar would possibly look.

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10. Lock your windows without fail!

Useful enough? In case you’ve ever burgled, would you like to add anything to the list? Tell us!

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