Britain’s Olympic Team Had Identical Bags And It Caused A Hilarious Havoc At The Airport!

Team Great Britain had a stellar show in Rio Olympics as they finished second on the medals table.

The team had its own funny moment when they landed in London. Apparently, the entire British Olympic Team was given the same-looking bag and no one knew whose bag was whose

We all know that apart from the carry-on luggage, the heavy suitcases and bag go into the cargo and one has to wait for them at near the luggage counter.

The GB Olympic team was in for a big shock when athletes could not find their own bags because all the bags were exactly the same. Athletes posted pictures of this hilarious mess up on social media and it gave everyone LOLs

1. They even played games to find their own bags!


2. The bags did have name tags, but you have to start reading the tags one by one!


3. All the athletes were confused as to where to start looking for their bags!


4. All the searching must have been as tiring as an Olympic event itself.


5. After a few hiccups, the whole team sorted their bags out and made way home, relieved for sure.

That must have been a memorable, a post-Olympics event in itself!


H/T – BoredPanda

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