Bride Ditched The Flowers And Got Married With A Bouquet Of Doughnuts And The Pics Are Yumm!

Weddings are the perfect platform for couples to make a statement and have some fun while doing it.

From Game of Thrones and Harry Potter-inspired weddings to nuptials that took place underwater and while bungee-jumping… TBH, we’ve seen it all.

Or have we?

Enter Paige Kirk, a 23-year old bride from Sydney, Australia, who decided to add a sweet, sweet detail to her wedding and, in the process, win everyone’s hearts!

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If you’re rubbing your eyes in disbelief then don’t. It’s for real! The bridal bouquet is, in fact, made up of sweet, delicious, and edible doughnuts, all of them decorated with ivory toppings to match the bridal gown.

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Instead of the traditional flower bouquets, this trendy bride had the delightful idea of surprising her bridesmaids with bouquets made out of doughnuts and pastries.

Check out and try to resist feeling hungry!

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Just look at the delighful faces of the bride and her bridesmaids as they swap their flower bouquets for the doughnut ones!

When asked about how she came up with this idea, Paige and her groom, Steve, told BBC News, “We wanted the wedding to be a bit different and really reflect who we are as a couple.”

So did her bridesmaids love their doughnut-laden surprise? According to Paige, her bridal party LOVED the bouquets.

“Everyone thought it was hilarious, and the venue couldn’t believe it.”

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Irresistible, aren’t they? So wait, how did the bridal party keep themselves from eating’em all up?

“We had plenty of goodies beforehand so we were too full too eat them!”

Now that’s a smart move from the bride, isn’t it?


Naturally, the Internet has been going gaga over this yummy excuse for a bouquet and thousands of people have commented on the wedding pictures.


1. Why didn’t anyone think of this before?!

2. Talk about killing two birds with one doughnut!

3. Ooops, this could totally happen!

If you ask us, this is a perfect way to thank your bridesmaids for being there for you, give your guests something to remember your wedding by, and stop yourself from turning into a total bridezilla on your wedding day! And Paige totally agrees!

“Brides should be a bit more relaxed and have fun!”

BRB, trying to replace our desi wedding garlands with doughnuts too!

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