Conversations around mental health are spurring up day-by-day and it is nice to see this positive change. For instance, a company recently barred meetings between 12 noon and 1 PM as lunch hour is important for an employee’s mental health. But for those of you might be going through a breakup or a divorce, and have felt distressed about it, read on.
A Twitter user named Omar Bazza who appears to be a therapist, shared an important thread on how breakups can negatively impact our mental well-being. Check it out here:-
[THREAD] I have received more than 10 requests to write about this but it is a bit complicated because there can be different outcomes. That is th impact of breakups on our mental health. When it comes to breakup, intense pain and symptoms of depression are to be expected. This
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
is because breakups are akin to grief. Despite the person not passing away, we lose the person we are closest to, the one we have shared a lot of our life with. Suddenly, that relationship is gone, we are no longer in touch with them and we lost them the way we knew them.
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
fast or go forward sometimes many times a day. That’s still relatively normal when it comes to breakups. However, in certain cases, it can turn into a full blown mental illness. This can happen for multiple reasons. First, we may be predisposed to depression/ anxiety and the
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
ourselves a lot. However, in most cases, the only thing that will help is time. Similar to grief, time is important. We need to give ourselves time to grieve and feel the pain that happens post breakup. Oftentimes, I will get a message about a break up that happened just last
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
Won’t suddenly find something else to replace that emotional loss and the time that you spent with them. It takes time to rebuild our life as single people and to focus on ourselves. We can’t takes shortcuts there. However, if it lasts more than 1 years or 18 months, then we
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
mental health issues. I hope that this thread clarifies what happens post breakup a little bit. But again, it can be complicated depending on other factors and we need to keep that in mind.
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
He also answered some additional questions people had:-
For sure, they can be very painful too!
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 4, 2020
Yes they do go away with time. Everyone at on point or another experiences break ups. Of course, we can love again and have other relationships.
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
It is but it tends to go away with time.
— Omar Bazza (@bazzapower) August 2, 2020
It seems that a breakup could be compared to mourning the loss of a person who is still alive. Thus, it is important to reach out for help in case your post-breakup period is taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being.
What do you think of this thread? Tell us!