This Couple Had A ‘Post Break-Up’ Photoshoot And Twitter Almost Curled Up And Died

Remember the stupidest thing you have ever heard or seen.


Now forget it, because what this couple did will probably outweigh the stupidest of things ever done in the history of mankind. They had a ‘breakup photoshoot’, two words which should never be together in the same phrase.

A classmate of the couple, Twitter user jeff uploaded these sad (literally and otherwise) pictures on social media.

1. This is probably their last kiss, just making a guess


2. So much pain in one picture


3. Why would anyone do this?


And for such an epic photoshoot, there obviously were some epic reactions.

1. Pretty much sums it up


2. Exactly my reaction


3. Seems legit


4. Asking the right question


5. This should be the title of their shoot


6. Isn’t this racist?

So many questions…

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