Girl Trashes Boy’s Adorable Dating App Bio, Netizens Rise Up To Support Him

Irrespective of any gender, people have some unrealistic expectations regarding their date/significant other. They’ll probably laud actors doing cheesy, romantic things on-screen. However, when someone does it for them, they’ll laugh it off to the point that that bechaara aashiq goes into depression.

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And the worst thing is after doing all that, people are gonna throw the same question into the void: “where’s my dream bae?” But not any more, because the internet has collectively replied with “only in your dreams!”

Twitter user @5tride proclaimed that a guy’s attempts to woo girls on Tinder is “lame” because he had made a Powerpoint presentation.

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The guy, @rizalxv, unfortunately found this on Twitter and responded to the girl’s comment.

Just take a look at Riz’s Tinder Powerpoint presentation and tell me if any of it seems lame. It’s adorable, detailed and just the best way to know what you’re getting into while going for a date.

He even has performance ratings as a son, boyfriend and brother. What more could you ask for?!

While the girl didn’t realise what she was missing out on, netizens lauded Riz’s efforts on Tinder and told him to not get demoralised.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and if you see someone, like Riz, providing a compelling argument on why they deserve to be your date, then give them a try. And if you’re too shallow, try being upfront about it politely, instead of going on the internet and demeaning them behind their back.

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