9 Books That Have The Magical Power To Turn Even A Non-Reader Into A Reader

Oh, you expected me to read?
I don’t even like reading menu cards at restaurants, why did you think I will enjoy a book.
I will fall asleep probably.
I don’t like reading. Period.

Said a friend of mine who hates reading. He just despises anything that doesn’t have pictures on it. His idea of reading is like Joey from Friends. For him,  names of shops, things on the carton, long messages, and even traffic rules are reading.

If you are like him in this regard, or if you know someone who falls in this category, you have reached the right place. Here I have a list of some books that are light, short, illustrated and something that our non-reader friends might enjoy.


1. Akira (Manga)

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These Japanese graphic novels are brilliant for the lovers of action and haters of reading. These cyber punk comics are based on a post-apocalyptic Tokyo with lots of gripping adventures.


2. Dear Diary by Leslie Arfin

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Don’t judge it by its cover, please. This is a story of a heroine addiction with an amazing sense of humor by the writer. You might not be interested in the drug, but aren’t you interested in funny and quirky?


3. The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

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Adiga’s debut novel not only got him recognition, but also a Man Booker Prize. Simple story, letter-writing type narrative and a plot that involves drama, action, suspense, religion and lots of interesting things.


4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

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I know you would say that I’d rather watch the movie. Give the book a try, the cute analogies and the simplistic fiction might impress you.


5. The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

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No, it doesn’t have pictures of vaginas. But it has beautiful stories, that not just women but everyone needs to read. It is funny, catchy, comforting, and very realistic.


6. Horn Ok Please – HOPping To Conclusions by Kartik Iyengar

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The cover will compel the non-reader to pick it up for sure with its vibrant color. Then begins the many travel stories revolving around Chief Redbull, Goose Goldsmith and an SUV called ‘Motormouth.’ The book has many modern morals at the end that the readers might enjoy.


7. The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

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Different people have different opinions for this book, but I personally know a lot of non-readers who read it and totally loved it.


8. Post-It Note Diaries – Arthur Jones

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Everyone has the time to read sticky notes. So this book has many interesting and relatable short stories that won’t take more than a sticky note to convey their tale.


9. The Perks Of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky

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High-school life, with a grown-up’s perspective (brought to you by a teenager) in an epistolatory novel that will make you both laugh and cry. And if I may, I know Emma Watson is hot, but please watch the movie after reading the book.


If you want to start with the most illustrated book first (I understand), I would recommend Akira.
Go ahead, order one right away. Happy reading! 🙂

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