Women Speak Out Against Body Shaming & Reveal Cruel Nicknames They Got For Their Weight

Body shaming or mocking someone on their appearance can have a negative impact on their mental health, erode their self-confidence, or even lead to eating disorders. Which is why it is important to speak up against it.

Recently, a body-positive content creator and model, shared a video in which she urged everyone to stop saying that body-positive pages are glorifying obesity when they’re actually normalizing all body types. She also added that we should stop assuming that fitness is directly related to one’s weight and refrain from shaming others by calling them names like sticks (for skinny people) and elephants (for curvy people).

A lot of people responded in the comments section by listing out all the names they’ve been called, right from the likes of moti, sukkad to hippo, or sumo wrestler.

Weight gain or loss is a function of various factors like genetics, medical issues, age, sleeping patterns, and even stress. So, let’s not make fun of someone by using these names.

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