Thief Stole A BMW But Was Caught And Arrested After Getting Stuck In Delhi Traffic!


No one likes to be stuck in a city’s traffic. Now, that’s a statement that reflects everybody’s emotions, aptly. And, one wouldn’t like it even more when you are on the run in someone’s car you just stole. That too, a BMW.

In a dramatic setting, Delhi police caught a car thief, all thanks to the city’s traffic. 25-year-old, Jigar, who posed as a potential buyer, was arrested after he got stuck in a jam.

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Jigar had contacted Lieutenant Colonel Pinaki Bani after he saw an online advert of a Zen on OLX posted by the latter. He posed as a buyer and came near Sabre Officers Mess at the Station Road to see the car. That’s where he saw Bani’s BMW parked right beside the Zen.


In an attempt to steal the swanky car, Jigar sprinkled chili powder into Mr. Bani’s eyes, got into the car and drove off.

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Upon reaching the gate, when the security guard saw the BMW, he got ready to open the gate but stopped after noticing something fishy, as seen on the CCTV footage. The accused then got out of the car and then, drove off.

He was chased by the guards and then got stuck in the traffic jam. That’s where he was caught and then arrested.

So, the crux is, it was basically due to the traffic congestion the culprit was intercepted from stealing the vehicle. We’re sure Mr. Bani would be thanking the city’s traffic.

Source: DNA

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